[2008-03-12] LOLbabez is like LOLcats but with models

So I'm sure some Web 2.0 diva passed a rule some time ago banning further LOLnoun derivatives, but I couldn't resist this one, in part because I think it has some redeeming social and political value. Captioning is one of the most accessible ways for people to "talk back" to the largely unidirectional advertising media that bombard them every day, and as such it's a valuable means for folks to assert their own identities against the monoculture pressing down on them from above. And perhaps no medium is so in need of a little sassy back-talk as fashion photography, because it's arguably guilty of the most heinous offenses against human identity. To that end, I submit LOLbabez to a candid world.

last modified 2008-03-12