[2008-06-27] 2008 JOC calendar features my graphics

The 2008 calendar published and distributed by the Journal of Organic Chemistry (JOC) featured original graphics by myself, published in conjunction with a review written by my boss Eric V. Anslyn. The molecules were generated from digital models produced by former Anslyn group member Frantz Folmer-Anderson. I'd been using the calendar this year, and didn't realize my work had been included until I flipped to the month of May and saw my own art staring back at me. I am conspicuously not credited. :(
The central motif in the image is a cartoon representing the concept of a differential sensing array: A number of unique sensors produce a diagnostic "fingerprint" in their overall pattern of interactions with a single analyte. The cartoon is superimposed on an enlarged image of a microtitre plate, which is the physical form in which differential sensing arrays are generally developed in the laboratory. It is surrounded by four 3D molecular models, generated using the excellent open-source package PyMOL, showing particular sensor molecules developed and used by the Anslyn group.
last modified 2008-06-27