[2009-04-22] Diplomatic bag lets you smuggle in peace

I'm sort of a sucker for spy stuff. I was looking around a while back for a novelty "diplomatic bag" that was supposed to look like a consular document pouch, of the type that is commonly featured in spy movies and is supposed to be exempt from customs inspections under international treaties covering diplomacy. You know, so I could take it to the coffee shop with me and pretend to be way more important than I actually am.

Anyway, I couldn't find anybody selling such a thing, so I designed and cut a screen and printed a bunch of them myself. See the photo for a detail of the printing, which is white on a royal blue 9.5" x 12.5" polyester/PVC zippered document pouch with integral wrist-strap. I'll ship you one, shipping included, for $9. Check my store if you're interested.
last modified 2010-09-29