This tag indicates written works, shorter than books, of my own or others' creation.- [2010-01-19] The Lost Room spoof eBay listing
- [2010-01-16] 100-word sci-fi flash fiction for contest
- [2009-05-22] Ray gun patent clip art book
- [2009-03-05] Original police report from Wayne murders
- [2008-12-11] 100-Word romantic flash fiction for contest
- [2008-09-12] Eppu si muove
- [2007-09-26] Declaration of Independence from Julie
- [2007-04-11] Whistleblower
- [2004-11-26] Flash fiction - One in the oven
- [2002-07-25] Hail to the King
- [2002-07-02] The Initiation of the Navigator